Distracted Driving Awareness Month
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Distracted driving is a growing epidemic- take the Worth It 30 Day Challenge. It is easy- when you get behind the wheel and turn your vehicle on, turn your phone off. Challenge your friends and family to do the same, because life is always worth it!
Whether you're creating a policy for your company or a pact for your family, consider including these important rules:
1 > I will not use my phone to have a conversation while driving.
2 > I will not use my phone to text while driving.
3 > I will not access m phone via a vehicle dashboard system while driving.
4 > I will not use my phone to take a photo or video while driving.
5 > I will not use my phone to check or post to social media accounts while driving.
6 > I will not use my phone to check or send an email while driving.
7 > I will not use my phone to program a GPS while driving.
8 > I will not call or text another person if I know they may be driving.
For additional resources, visit ufgworthit.com